Psychiatry Services

JPincusEvaluation: What to Expect

The approach:

  • In a comfortable setting, provide thorough understanding and compassionate guidance about treatment options for the presenting problems

The components:

  • Meeting with parents/patient to obtain a thorough history and to review intake forms as well as other information provided by outside resources (school, pediatrician, other professionals)

The goals:

  • To understand this patient’s presenting problems within a psychological, social, developmental and biologic context
  • To educate the family/patient about the problems
  • To develop diagnoses and discuss treatment goals that are best suited to the needs/preferences of this family/patient
  • To collaboratively develop a comprehensive and individualized treatment plan that may include therapy, dietary/exercise/sleep recommendations, parent guidance, medication management, behavior modification, school involvement, further testing, and/or referral for medical work-up

Follow-Up: What to Expect

The approach:

  • To be readily available

The components:

  • Meet/discuss progress and concerns and tailor the treatment plan as needed

The goals:

  • To continually review how effective the current treatment plan is and revise as needed to further progress toward goals
  • To provide follow-up contact that is individually tailored to the family’s/patient’s needs. Some patients require close and regular follow-up whereas others may require less frequent contact.

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